Not too High, Not too Low

When things are going well, we feel good. When things are going bad, we feel bad. Simple concept. It’s human nature. 

In hitting, when we are 4-4 we are HIGH, loving every second of it. When we are 0-4 we are LOW, dreading every second of it. 

In this game, and in life, we must stay even-keeled. This game, like life, is humbling. When you take your mind off what’s important (staying focused and enjoying the journey), you will be humbled. You will be shown that failure is real. 

It sucks to suck. No one is saying to be okay with failing, but it’s how we respond to it that separates us. Are you going to dwell and be a little bitch? Or are you going to have some nuts to pick yourself up and find a way to succeed? The choice is yours. 




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